Copyright for Creativity

Copyright for Creativity - A Declaration for Europe is intended as a positive statement of how good copyright policy needs to be constructed in the Internet Age, and comes against the background of increasing political debate within Europe as to the need to rethink copyright in the internet age.[1][2] The Declaration was issued on the 5th May 2010, signed by a broad coalition of consumers, creators, libraries, civil society and technology companies. The Declaration focuses on the importance of both the exclusive rights and the limitations and exceptions created by copyright law.

The Declaration is heavily influenced by the Adelphi Charter, which resulted from a project commissioned by the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce, London, UK, and is intended as a positive statement of what good intellectual property policy is.


Copyright for Creativity - A Declaration for Europe

The Declaration reads:

Copyright for Creativity – A Declaration for Europe

"Humanity's capacity to generate new ideas and knowledge is its greatest asset. It is the source of art, science, innovation and economic development." Adelphi Charter

The development of new technologies underpinning the knowledge economy calls for a review of the copyright aquis. Together, we need to create greater incentives to maximise creativity, innovation, education and access to culture, and secure Europe's competitiveness.

Exclusive rights stimulate investment and the production of cultural and knowledge based goods. Simultaneously, exceptions* to those rights create a balanced system that allow for the use of creative works to support innovation, creation, competition and the public interest. Well-crafted exceptions can serve both goals: preserving rewards and incentives for creators while also encouraging innovative re-uses that benefit the public.

While exclusive rights have been adapted and harmonised to meet the challenges of the knowledge economy, copyright's exceptions are radically out of line with the needs of the modern information society. The lack of harmonisation of exceptions hinders the circulation of knowledge based goods and services across Europe. The lack of flexibility within the current European exceptions regime also prevents us from adapting to a constantly changing technological environment.

Europe requires a balanced, flexible and harmonised system of exceptions that is in step with the 21st Century knowledge economy. The European Commission took a first step with the publication of the Green Paper, "Copyright in the Knowledge Economy." The signatories of this declaration call upon the European Commission, the European Parliament and Member States to take this Declaration into account and engage in policy and norm-setting on copyright exceptions to:

* Copyright law grants an exclusive right to creators to regulate and control the use of their work. Limitations and exceptions balance the monopoly right of the creator, in the public interest. For example to promote education and learning, support a free press, deal with market failure etc.

External links





  1. ^ [1] Rethinking Creative Rights for the Internet age. Committee on Culture, Science and Education Report.Rapporteur: Mr José Luís ARNAUT, Portugal, Group of the European People's Party
  2. ^ [2] Gowers Review of Intellectual Property
  3. ^ Manifiesto europeo por un nuevo derecho de autor.[3] El Pais 05/05/10
  4. ^ Un manifiesto pide nuevas leyes de 'copyright' para Internet en Europa. Pablo Romero. [4] El Mundo 06/05/10
  5. ^ Manifiesto para cambiar la normativa de derechos de autor en Internet. Juan Ranchal.[5] The Inquirer 06/05/10
  6. ^ Initiative For Harmonisation Of Copyright Exceptions In Europe.[6] Intellectual Property Watch 05/05/10
  7. ^ The Great Copyright Debate Continues.[7]The IPKat 06/05/10

See also